Are you Finnish / Swedish-Speaking Finnish? Do you have parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents of Finnish / Swedish-Speaking Finnish heritage? Would you like to learn & participate in Finnish & Swedish-Speaking Finnish Culture & Tradition, then please join us. Check our local lodge locations (submenu, under "Lodges"). If you live within commuting distance of a lodge, let us know the lodge of interest to you. If you don't live within commuting distance of a lodge, we offer the "Associate Member" - an OR member, not in a local lodge - as an alternative to joining a local Lodge. Membership (local lodge or Associate Member) brings you a subscription to our quarterly publication "The Leading Star", published for over 109 years!
Below is the electronic form. After entering information, click the "Send" button
Note 1: We have 7 lodges in the USA and Canada -- Refer to lodge listings on this web site -- if you live within commuting distance of a lodge, specify the lodge (number, or location) you'd like to join. Note 2: If you do not live within commuting distance of a lodge, we offer the "Associate Member" as an alternative to joining a local Lodge. Note 3: What sparked your interest in joining "The Order of Runeberg?" For example, are you, your parent(s), or friend / relative Finnish / Swedish-speaking Finnish?
To submit electronically, simply fill-in the membership application / form above, then click "Send" button. An acknowledgement of your application will be sent (within 2 days) to the email address you provide, and we'll contact you to welcome you, & provide you with more information, such as next lodge meeting / event, etc... We do not share / sell email addresses
We recommend & prefer using the electronic form above for speed & effectiveness. Alternatively, you may print the Membership Pamphlet to the right (Adobe Reader, or Word doc), & mail or bring it to a meeting of a nearby Runeberg Lodge. If no nearby lodge, mail the filled-in pamphlet form to: S.F. Lyons, 140 Fire Tower Rd, Guilford, CT 06437
Suggestion to Lodges: Print a few copies of the Membership Pamphlet to have on-hand for perspective members.